I’ve got a dream job.
While some kids outgrow their love of cars early on, my passion for everything automotive began when I ripped open the packaging of my first Hot Wheels car. Although they are now larger, louder and may need fixing up, that passion continues to this day as they are still toys I get to play with!
My automotive career started back in 1987 at Stauffer Classics in Blue Mounds, WI. where I learned the classic car business and assisted in the restoration of a variety of vintage vehicles, like GT40s, Cobras, Shelbys and Panteras. I traveled across the U.S. and Canada with the Stauffer race team supporting their vehicles at the track. These years of valuable knowledge gained from training with old school craftsmen at the shop along with the experience of learning how to perform under pressure at the track gave me the confidence to take that next step - open my own shop.
I founded Bach Racecraft in 2005 and with my own team of craftsmen built it into one of the most respected vintage car restoration and race car prep facilities in the Midwest. In 2021, we expanded into a new 8,800 sq. ft. restoration facility right next door to our original 7,700 sq. ft. space, which is now used for automotive storage and parts.
“Find something you love doing and you’ll never work a day in your life.” I certainly feel like I’ve achieved that. - Jim Bach